12.03.03   впр 5 ст 171 (письмово);  впр 7 ст 172 (письмово);

16.03.20   впр 8,9 ст 173 (письмово);

17.03.20   ст 175 (розібрати текст, виписати незнайомі слова і перекласти усно);

19.03.20   доопрацювати текст на ст 176 (до кінця);
30.03.20      з впр.3 ст 184 виписати незнайомі слова, вивчити їх і читати \перекладати
                     цю вправу

31.03.20      впр 2 (вся) ст 182 (усно); впр 4 ст 185 (усно).
                            Переглянути презентацію про  Об'єднане Королівство.                                                              https://naurok.com.ua/prezentaciya-ob-ednane-korolivstvo-velikobritani-ta-pivnichno-irlandi-56259.html

02-06.04.20           London the capital of GB and the UK
                     1.  впр 7 ст 186-187 (усно)
                     2.    https://wikiway.com/velikobritaniya/london/
                         (переглянути увесь матеріал, листати вниз до кінця презентації)
                     3. впр 6 ст 186 (письмово) і впр  8 ст 187 (письмово)
                     4.      переслати в Edmodo
                  ЦЕ  ЗАВДАННЯ НА ДВА УРОКИ

07.04.20              "UNITED KINGDOM"
                          1. прослухати діалог і заповнити пропуски  з впр 2 ст 188-189 (усно);
                          2. прослухати інформацію про ОК впр 3(с) ст 189 і на основі почутого заповнити табл на ст 190 впр 3 (d).
                          3. надіслати для перевірки

09.04.20          "UNITED KINGDOM"
                          1. уважно прослухати аудіо запис -

                          2. впр 4(а) ст 190 (письмово, цифра-буква)
                          3. впр 1, 2 ст 194-195 (усно)
                          4. впр 5 (а)  ст 191 (усно)

Вправи, які виконуєте письмово і записані слова, завжди відправляйте на перевірку без мого нагадування.

13.04.20                    "Wales"
                            1. продивитися відео матеріал по  темі уроку:
                            2. впр 3(а) ст 196 (усно);
                            3 впр 3 (b) ст 197 (усно) - перевірити себе

14.04.20            "A Visit to Big Pit"

                            1. прослухати аудіо запис
                            2. впр 5 (a, b) ст 198-199. (b) письмово (квадрат і цифра від 1-7). Іншими словами - скласти текст із поданих уривків.

16.04.20               "Cities of the UK"

                            1. опрацювати усно текст впр 1 (a, b) на ст 201-202
                            2. впр 2 ст 203 (усно)

21.04.20                    "Capitals of the UK"
                           Do tasks on pages 204-207 (till Listening) in oral

23.04.20                      "Cities of the UK" (Listening)

                            1. впр 1 (a) ст 207 - прослухати

                            2. на основі прослуханого матеріалу виконати письмово впр 1 (b) ст 207

                            3. виписати слова на ст 207

27.04.20                   Grammar Lesson. Passive Voice (Revision)

                  Repeat grammar material about Passive Voice and do (in oral)ex 1, 2, 3,4 p.210-213

28.04.20                  "British Cities"

                 Do (in oral)ex 2, 4, 6  p.214-216

30.04-04.05.20                  "British Cities"

                Do (in oral) ex 2, 3, 5, 6  p.218-224 (this task you may do during 2 lessons)

05.-07.05.20                             "Ukrainian Cities"

              впр 1,2,3 ст 226-233 (усно)

                                 Завдвння на 2 уроки

12.05.20                             "My Learning Diary"
                    Do tasks on pages 234-235 (in oral)

                   Готуємося до контрольних робіт, повторяємо увесь лексико-граматичний матеріал за ІІ семестр

Control Paper 1 (the 9th form)
Mykola Lysenko
    Mykola Lysenko was born in Poltava in 1842 and died in Kyiv in 1912.
He was an outstanding Ukrainian composer, a pianist, an ethnologist and a teacher. He got his abilities of piano playing from his mother. Lysenko was a student of Biology at Kharkiv University, studying music privately. He graduated in 1865 with a degree in natural sciences.  As a member of “Gromada” in Kyiv, he made a great contribution to the development of Ukrainian music.
  On a scholarship, which he won from the Russian Music Society, he took further professional music studies at the Leipzig Conservatory and continued his studies of music in Leipzig.
   Young Lysenko traveled to St. Petersburg where he took orchestration lessons from Nikolay Rimsky-Korsakov in the mid- 1870s, but his Ukrainian national position and hate for Russian autocracy stopped his career.
    After returning to Kyiv he opened his own school of music and drama and worked as a conductor and a teacher of music. He continued to create Ukrainian compositions. He also didn’t allow any translations of his works into Russian.
    After 1905 Lysenko was the head of the Ukrainian Club, an association of Ukrainian national public figures in Kyiv. Lysenko insisted on using only the Ukrainian language for his opera. His works include “Natalka- Poltavka”, “Taras Bulba” and operas for children. He was interested in Ukrainian musical folklore. His musical compositions were numerous and varied. Lysenko was the founder of the national movement in music. He developed the Ukrainian musical culture.
   In his later years, Lysenko raised funds to open a Ukrainian School of Music. Lysenko's daughter Mariana followed in her father's footsteps as a pianist, and his son Ostap also taught music in Kyiv.
# 1. Mykola Lysenko…  
 a)was born in Kyiv in 1848             b)lived for 60 years      
 c)was born in Poltava in 1842        d)was born in Poltava in 1844 and died in Kyiv in 1912
#2. He was … 
a)an outstanding composer     b)a well-known teacher   c)a famous pianist      d)all above are correct
#3. At Kharkiv University Lysenko studied…
 a) Botany      b)Biology       c)Music       d)Music and Art
#4. After finishing the University he got a degree…
 a)of musician    b)in natural science    c)in Chemistry      d)of a Music teacher
# 5.On a scholarship, which he won from Russian Music Society, he…
a)continued his study abroad                                      b)founded Ukrainian Music Club    
c)went to St. Petersburg to study music privately      d)started to create two operas for children
#6. In the mid-1870s Lysenko…
 a)took further professional music studies at the Leipzig Conservatory
 b)went to St. Petersburg to take orchestration lessons
 c)traveled abroad with Nicolay Rimsky-Korsakov
 d)insisted on using only Ukrainian Language in his operas
#7.  When Mykola Lysenko came to Kyiv, he…
 a)worked as a conductor             b)opened his own school of music
 c)worked as a music teacher       d)all above are correct
#8.  Lysenko’s works include the next ones EXCEPT
a)“Seasons of the Year”     b)“Taras Bulba”       c)operas for children      d)“Natalka-Poltavka”
#9. He was also interested in …
a)Ukrainian painting                                    b)the works of other composers  
c)Ukrainian music folklore                         d)old customs and traditions
# 10. Lysenko’s daughter Mariana…
 a)inherited the title                                     b)became a pianist     
 c)followed in her granny’s footsteps         d)went abroad with her brother
#11. Lysenko didn’t want his works to be translated into…
a)any foreign language    b)Russian    c)Ukrainian     d)German  

Завдання виконувати в скороченій формі!!!


Control Paper 2 (the 9th form)
#1.London ..... by many tourists.
 a)is visited         b)visited

#2. Who ..... animals ?
 a)protects       b)is protected

#3. Albert Einstein....... the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1921.
a)awarded       b)was awarded

# 4. The London Eye is a giant Ferris wheel on the South Bank of..... in London
a)  the river Thames       b)the river Seven

#5.  To protect our environment we……… destroy forests, which produce oxygen.
 a)mustn’t             b)shouldn’t

#6. The global warming………… lead to dramatic changes in climate.
 a)should          b)can

# 7. We……….. use less electricity and water.
  a)should        b)mustn’t

# 8. We ……… protect animals and plants.
a)can          b)must

 # 9. London ..... one of the most largest cities in the whole world.
a)is     b)will be

 #10. Trafalgar Square is in the central part of....
 a)Wales       b)London

#11. Nelson's Column has got ...... giant lions at its base.

a)5      b)4

21.05.20          Analysis of the Control Paper №1


25.05.20          Analysis of the Control Paper №2
