12.03.20   впр 4 ст 163-164 (усно);

16.03.20   ст 165 (усно);  впр 1 ст 166 (усно);

17.03.20    впр 4 ст 166-167( частини A, B, C,D) - виписати незнайомі слова,
                  прочитати і  перекласти (усно);
19.03.20  впр 4 ст 167-168 (до кінця);

 Презентація на тему "Мистецтво"
30-31.03.20       ст 169 записати і вивчити слова; впр 5, 6 ст 169-170 (усно).
                             Завдання на 2 дні

02.04.20                    "The World of Painting"

                             впр 1 ст 171 (усно) + виписати слова на ст 171 (з перекладом і вивчити)

06-07.04.20                 "The National Gallery Collection"
                              1. прочитати текст впр 5 ст 176
                              2. виписати незнайомі слова і вивчити
                              3. прослухати правило  "Past Perfect"
                              4. усно розібрати приклади з впр 1, 2 на ст 173

                                 Завдання на 2 дні

09.04.20                      Граматичний урок Past Perfect Continuous Tense
                              1.  переглянути відео матеріал
                              2. прочитати правило на ст 174
                              3. впр 4,5,6 ст 174-175 (усно)

13.04.20                   "The National Gallery Collection"

                           1. повторити слова попередніх уроків
                           2. впр 5 ст 176 - 177 (розібрати текст)
                           3. Do the test   "The National Gallery Collection" (письмово, скорочено)
The National Gallery was founded in______.
 a)1900      b)2000    c)1824     d)1260

Which countries are consedered to be Western Europe?
 a)Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Polland           b)the UK, France, Egypt, the USA
c)the UK, the USA, Canada, Australia            d)France, Italy, Spain, Germany

How many canvases are there in the National Gallery collection? 
a)more than 2000   b)less than 2000    c)2000    d)about 2000
How many departmants does the National Gallery have?
a)2    b)4    c)6     d)7

What are the names of the wings in the National Gallery?
 a)Sainsbury Wing, West Wing, North Wing, East Wing 
 b)West Wing, North Wing, East Wing, South Wing
 c)four wings

What does the National Gallery exhibit? 
a)paintings      b)paintings and sculptures    c)paintings, sculptures and photos
d)masterpieces from all over the world

# 7
What is the Tate-National Exchange?
 a)You can change money in the museums.
 b)You can see painting from other galleries once a year.
 c)People can exchange their paintings.
 d)Galleries exchange their personnel each year.

What does the computer information room offer to the visitors of the National Gallery?
 a)You can visit the gallery online.
 b)You can pay for the program to know more about English painting.
 c)You can listen to the guide while visiting the museum.
 d)You can explore the topics connected to the painting you are interested in.

14-16.04.20                         "A Visit to the Museum"
                              1. впр 1,2, 3, 4  ст 178-180(усно);
                              2.  виписати і вивчити слова на ст 179

                                      Завдання на 2 уроки

21.04.20              Training Exercises

                                  Do tasks on pages 181-187  in oral

23.04.20                  "English Painters"

                               Read and translate ex. 3 p.188-189

27.04.20                  "Art Galleries in London"
                           Read and translate ex. 8 p.191-192

28.04.20                  "Art Galleries and Museums"
                           Do ex.  2, 4 (in oral) p.194-195

29.04.-04.05.20                  "Do You LikeSports"

                             1. copy new words p.198
                             2. read and translate ex 1, 2 p 198
                             3. listen to the text ex 3 p 198-199 and do the task

                             4. do ex 4, 6, 7 p 200-201
                           This task is for 2 lessons

05.05.20                  "Sports"

                      1. do ex 1, 2, 4, 5 (in oral)
                      2. copy new words p.202

07.05.20                  "Sports Games"

                        1. do ex 7,1,2 p.208-210 (in oral)
                        2. copy new words p.210

12.05.20                ''Across State Systems''

 1. copy new words p.226
2. do ex 2 p 224
            3. do ex 3, 4, 6 p 227-228 (in oral)

                   Готуємося до контрольних робіт, повторяємо увесь лексико-граматичний матеріал за ІІ семестр


Control Paper #1 (the 10th form)
Task .
Read the text ex.2 on page 224-226 and make up  and write 11 questions to this text. They must be general, special, alternative  and disjunctive questions.

  19.05.20                                  Control Paper #2 (the 10th form)
                                          SCHOOLS IN THE USA
               Task       Make up 11 questions to the text
     School usually means the same in American English as in British English, but sometimes it can also mean ‘university’. If a parent says ‘I work during the mornings when the children are at school’, it means that the children are young and are probably at elementary school. But ‘My youngest son is always at school now’ almost certainly means that he has started university in another city.
    Many Americans send their children to a nursery school, or to day care or pre-school at an early age. At 5 children go to kindergarten. As in Britain US schools are divided into primary and secondary, but these words are rarely used. It is more common to talk about elementary school, junior high school and high school and the grade, or year group, students are in. Elementary schools teach children from kindergarten till the end of sixth grade. Grades seven and eight are taken at junior high school, and the ninth to the twelfth grades at high school.

 25.05.20                     Canada. Political system

                    1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KiJApnCe0rw

                      2. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1rK2EatJuL0ZJcHvsilZAX2alw2R6k4WZ

                      3. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1jomnOGduLWFqjxKXpGsr4OpP1KUsi-Nw