12.03.20 впр 8 ст 155-156 (усно); впр
1 ст 156 (усно); повторити слова (останні);
18.03.20 повторити слова; впр 4 ст 158 (усно);
19.03.20 розібрати Words for you yf cn 158 (записати у словник і вивчити);
Відео урок ''Ecological Problems.
20.03.20 повторити увесь лексичний матеріал
01.04.20 The Invironment we live in. The Problems of the
We all worry about the state
of environment. The ecological problems must be solved without delay but this
requires much investment of money and human resources. Nowadays a lot of people
lead an unnatural way of life. They lose connection with nature. Those simple
things of life like sunshine and fresh air become premium. Tall buildings block
out the sun. Traffic fumes pollute the atmosphere.
My native city has all similar
problems. Moreover, as it is a maritime city, we have another reason for
worrying. It’s the worsening condition of the water. Every year the sea is
getting more polluted, it contains more and more chemicals and rubbish. Many
animals and fish are suffering and dying. People, however, only worry about the
condition of the sea when they want to have a swim. And nothing is still being
done to improve this critical situation.
I know that there are a lot of
international organizations and movements aimed on protecting nature and our
Mother Earth. I hope they will succeed and the environment will become clean
and safe one day.
Д\З :
прослухати текст і виписати незнайомі слова (внизу відео) і вивчити їх
02.04.20 Feeding the World
1. впр 3 ст 165 (усно)
2. впр 4 ст 165 (усно)
впр 1 (a,b) ст 167 (письмово) - переслати в Едмодо
03.04.20 What's happening to our environment?
1. розібрати текст впр 4 ст 169-170
заповнити табл на ст 170 і надіслати для перевірки
"Speaking About Art"
1. слова на ст 175 (як завжди)
2. розібрати текст на ст 172-174
3. впр 1(b) ст 174-175 (письмово в скороченій формі), впр 8 ст 176
Завдання на 2 уроки
10.04.20 Training Exercises
Do all exercises
on pages 177-179 (in oral)
Дієприкметник (The Participle)
повторити правило про дієприкметники англійської мови (ст 179-180)
прочитати завантажений матеріал:
Дієприкметник —
неособова форма дієслова, яка має властивості прикметника, прислівника і
дієслова. Дієприкметник має такі форми:
the Present Participle
being written
the Past Participle
the Perfect Participle
having slept
having written
having been written
The Present Participle означає дію,
одночасну з дією, вираженою дієсловом-присудком, і може, таким чином,
стосуватись теперішнього, минулого або майбутнього часу:
Writing a composition in English I consult a
Ukrainian-English dictionary. — Під час написання твору англійською мовою я
користуюсь українсько-англійським словником.
Writing a composition in English I consulted a
Ukrainian-English dictionary. — Під час написання твору англійською мовою я
користувався українсько-англійським словником.
Writing a composition in English I'll consult a
Ukrainian-English dictionary. — Під час написання твору англійською мовою я
скористаюсь українсько-англійським словником.
Функції в реченні:
а) обставина часу:
Walking home
I didn't hurry. — Йдучи додому, я не поспішав.
When walking
home I didn't hurry. — Йдучи додому, я не поспішав.
walking home I didn't hurry. — Йдучи додому, я не поспішав.
б) обставина причини:
Knowing the
way I didn't hurry. — Знаючи дорогу, я не поспішав.
Not knowing
French she couldn't understand us. — He знаючи французької мови, вона не могла розуміти нас.
Being busy,
she couldn't speak to me. — Будучи зайнятою, вона не могла поговорити зі мною.
в) обставина образу дії:
Не stood at the window thinking about his
future. — Він стояв біля вікна, думаючи про своє майбутнє.
Participle I Perfect Active виражає дію, що передує дії, вираженій дієсловом-присудком:
performed this part, he became a famous actor. — Виконавши цю роль, він став відомим актором.
written the letter, I took the book and began to read it. — Написавши листа, я взяв книгу і почав читати її.
Having said
these words, I stood up and went out. — Сказавши ці слова, я встав і вийшов.
Participle I Perfect Passive вживається у функції обставини:
Having been
performed at many concerts the music became popular. — Після того, як музика була виконана на багатьох концертах, вона стала популярною.
Participle є пасивним дієприкметником, має лише одну форму і вживається тоді, коли іменник або займенник, до якого він відноситься, позначає об'єкт вираженої дії:
a respected
man — поважаний чоловік
a wounded
soldier — поранений солдат
a broken
pencil — поламаний олівець
one's broken
health — підірване здоров'я
a written
poem — написаний вірш
Здебільшого the Past
Participle виражає дію, що передує дії, вираженій присудком речення:
The question
discussed by the students is very important. — Питання, обговорюване студентами, дуже важливе.
The written
letter is on the table. — Написаний лист на столі.
by the dog, she was standing, looking at it, and began to cry. — Злякавшись собаки, вона стояла, дивлячись на нього, і почала плакати.
І bought a text-book of chemistry published
this year. — Я купив підручник з хімії, надрукований у цьому році.
Такі поширені означення, виражені the Participle із залежними від нього словами, можуть бути замінені підрядними означальними:
І bought a text-book of chemistry which was
published this year.
3. впр
3-7 ст 181-182 (усно)
Завдання на 2 уроки!!!
17.04.20 "Speaking About Art". Training Exercises
1. опрацювати слова на ст 183
2. впр 1 ст 183 (усно); впр 4 ст 185 (усно); впр 1,2
ст 186-187 (усно)
"The Kinds of Art".
Training Exercises
Do exercises
on p. 194-199 (in oral)
23.04.20 " Cinema as the kind of Art"
1. Ex. 1,4 p.200-202 (in oral)
2. Listen and do task ex 3 p
201 (in a written short form and send me)
"Youth in Mind"
Listen and do ex 2, 3, 4 p 204 (in oral)
Copy out new words on p.207
29.04.20 "Training Exercises"
29.04.20 "Training Exercises"
Do exercises 1,
2,3 on pages 208-209 (in oral)
30.04.20 "Our Emotions"
1. Copy out new words on p.213
2. Listen and do ex 2, p 213 (in oral)
3. Have a rest
ex 3 p 214
06.05.20 "Teenagers' Problems"
1. Copy out new words on p.215
Do exercises 1, 2,3 on pages 215-216 (in oral)
from Past to Future"
1. Do exercises 2,3 on pages 228-229
(in oral)
2. Copy out new words on p.230
13.05.20 "Brexit: Facts and Numbers"
1. Do ex 5, 6, 7 p 230-232 (in oral)
2. Prepare to the Writing Control (14.05) and Reading Control (15.05), so repeat all lexical and grammar material for the II semester
15.05.20 Control
Paper #2 (the 11th form)
2. Copy out new words on p.230
13.05.20 "Brexit: Facts and Numbers"
1. Do ex 5, 6, 7 p 230-232 (in oral)
2. Prepare to the Writing Control (14.05) and Reading Control (15.05), so repeat all lexical and grammar material for the II semester
Control Paper #1 (the 11th form)
#1. Write
II and III form of next verbs:
To be –
To begin –
To find –
To feel –
To have –
To come –
To see –
To pay –
understand –
To tell –
#2. Translate these sentences into
A vegetarian is a person who doesn’t eat meat.
I think that every people have to eat chocolate and
other sweets every day.
All people need to have their own sense of identity to
cope successfully with adulthood.
Most conflicts between adolescents and their parents
are caused by criticism of their choice of friends, too much interference in
their social life and too little financial support.
If more people used public transport, this would
reduce the amount of pollution.
The environment we live in will change dramatically in
the next 50 years.
#3. Translate these sentences into
Я люблю їсти багато шоколаду і фруктів щодня.
Минулого тижня я відвідала (відвівав) мистецьку галерею.
Я дуже емоційна людина і часто плачу.
Як ми можемо проконтролювати наші емоції?
Мій брат любить пригодницькі фільми, а я люблю фільми про
Кожна професія важлива, але я обираю …..
#4. Write some sentences (6-7) about emotions. Are you an emotional
. Read the text and Make up and write11
questions to this text. They must be general, special, alternative
and disjunctive questions.
Miklukho-Maclay was a Ukrainian scientist and traveller who lived more
than a year on the island of New Guinea. The ship came to the island in the
evening of a day in September 1871. Next morning the captain said to Maclay: “You
are coming ashore. Why don’t you take more men with you? Have you a gun?” “I
don’t need a gun. I have presents for the natives.”
The island was beautiful. There were trees and flowers everywhere, and
it was very hot. The sun світилася brightly high above
Maclay’s head. He walked for some time down a forest path. Suddenly he stopped
because he heard a noise. A native stood in front of him. He looked at Maclay
quickly and then started running away. Maclay ran after him. The native looked
back and suddenly stopped. Maclay took out some presents and showed them to the
man. The native took the presents and smiled. This was how Miklukho-Maclay met
the first black man on the first day of his life in New Guinea. The native’s
name was Tui. He was Maclay’s best friend all the time that the traveller lived
on the island.
On the first of October Maclay started out
for a walk in the forest. He carried no gun. He had only a notebook and a
pencil. In the forest, he met a native boy who saw him and ran away. Maclay
heard the voices of men and women and the cries of children. Suddenly many men
with spears in their hands came out. They stopped and looked at Maclay angrily.
When he tried to say something, one of the men wanted to throw his spear at
him. Maclay did not know a word of their language. He could not explain that he
was their friend. He knew that he had to do something quickly. And a good idea
came to him. He suddenly sat down on the ground and began to take off his
shoes. Then he lay down, put a bag under his head and … slept. The natives did
nothing to him.
Analysis of the Control Paper №1
Repeat all grammar material (IInd sem.)